

It's the eleven o'clock picture.
Photo taken by: Macky
Please leave a comment or contact me on twitter @DoctorMacky 

Picture of the day

Picture taken by: Macky

Please leave a comment or contact me on twitter @DoctorMacky 



I finally colored my hair - yes turquoise and a hint of green cause of my darker hair at the end. I love turquoise because it's really hard color to keep good liiking for long time without fading out looking like... awful. That's why you don't see a lot of turquoise hair out there. I used Elumen haircolor and the color stays on! If you want to color your hair for real DON'T buy those cheap ones from the store. Elumen doesn't fade and actually repairs your hair! If you're interested please read more from: ElumenHairColor.pdf

Please leave a comment or contact me on twitter @DoctorMacky

Art of feelings

(Moved from anoter blog of mine.)
I’ve always liked drawing. I did that before I could speak an I’ll draw ’till I can’t speak anymore. I think drawing is a way to release myself from pressure and stress. It’s a way to get somewhere else. I love the flow I get from drawing. I focus all my energy to one way of expression and forget everything else. I get to be closer to the real me than I ever could imagine. It sounsd fritening and come to think of it, it really freaks me out. But still it’s the most effective way to not be thinking a thing. Almost as peaceful mind as buddists have.
I may be just like you. You might say “oh, I’m exactly alike!” You all should at least once feel that eamptiness and the relaxation that follows. It’s beautiful!

Please leave a comment or contact me on twitter @DoctorMacky

At the cafe

(Moved from anoher blog of mine.)
I’m sitting in the cafe in shopping center called Forum in the heart of Helsinki, Finland. It’s quite noizy so I listen to music. The songs of Doctor Who soudtrack carry my thougths away from the anxiety of school stuff I have to do. I’m happy because my most beloved one is next to me and a caffe latte warms my hands. This is the life I’ve always wanted. Just a few years back I couldn’t afford going to restaurants or cafes. I envied the people who sat there looking happy and careless. Now I have worked hard to get here!
Look at me now, dear. I’m happier than ever! I owe everything to you, dear an my friends! I’m sooooooo happy!!!
Please leave a comment or contact me on twitter @DoctorMacky


Afternoon at a snowy path ~ and friends

I was out on a walk with my girlfriend an took these photos. The light was so beautiful!


Eve & Vilma
Eve is a cute literally little animanga fangirl and Vilma is her cat “Osku” loving Angry Birds liking girl. I met them at the first year of high school. They are best friends from earlier years and fit togeter like… I don’t know any sayings strong enough… Thank you from your support I feel much better with myself now. Thanks for your company, movie and game nights and fun days at school!
I love you both dearly! Please stay as my friends when we apart. Thank you so much!

Eve: @eve_19931001

I have this one male friend named Roni. He is super kind to everyone and he’s bad jokes are so sweet and known by the whole school. I just love him so much and I want to say he is my best friend ever. Thanks!
We both like same things like anime and manga. Our sence of humour is alike. We love food and cakes but who doesn’t. We get along so well and I hope we’ll always stay close friends!
Thanks Roni for britening up my day and thanks for your bad jokes, they are best.  

The one who told me not to do this for her
I just love you so much! ♥

Thanks guys~♥



Hi I'm Macky! I'm born in Finland in 1994 and I'm a girl. I love Doctor Who and Torchwood series and generally almost anything under the genre of scifi! I also like to read manga and watch anime when I have time for those things and I love to cosplay! I draw and paint and like to write things like novels and fanfics and when I'm in a creative mood I like to write music.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you'll leave a comment! ♥u♥
